CAE Midwest
Regional Hub

NCAE-C in Cybersecurity Education Innovation 2021
2021-4: CAE Regional Hubs Collaboration with State Departments of Education
Project Description, Implementation, and RING Agenda
Project Description
- The purpose of this project is to disseminate content from the Regions Investing in the Next Generation (RING) Project and promote the implementation of new cybersecurity courses and Programs of Study.
- The Midwest CAE-C Hub, Moraine Valley Community College, will lead this effort and identify and then work with a CAE coordinator in each state.
- One CAE institution in each geographic region will act as initiative lead.
Project Implementation
- The K-12 cybersecurity community will be engaged by hosting individual state events designed to identify and recruit K-12 stakeholders.
- The RING Team will operate these events by setting the agenda and recruiting presenters to demonstrate their resources created by the RING Project.
- The agenda at each meeting will include presenters responsible for explaining specific resources required by the high school program approval process.
RING Project State Event Agenda
- Discuss local/regional workforce needs & trends (educators, business leaders)
- Provide current workforce data
- Demonstrate workforce assessment tools
- CyberSeek Heat Map
- BLS data
- NIST/NICE Framework
- Discuss materials to promote cybersecurity courses and programs
- Demonstrate new educational tools such as Virtual Cybersecurity Exploration Experience
- Share cybersecurity awareness resources